Sunday, September 9, 2012

Photographing a location multiple times

Peggy's Cove and Peggy's Point Lighthouse - photographing a location multiple times

Someone asked me the other day why I, as a photographer, kept on going back to Peggy's Cove.  The question is valid - Peggy's Cove has been photographed millions of times, if you Google images with that name there are over 1000030 hits, there are some well known photographers with images that are included in that result.  I don't know how many times I have been out there, I don't keep score but it is a lot.  The truth is I like going out there, it is an easy ride, close to the city.  From a photographic point of view you always see something new, the weather differs, the seasons change the props change. 

There are a number of places that photographers seem to need or want to photograph, Upper Antelope Canyon comes to mind ,I have seen thousands of photographs of the canyon a lot of them are really good, most look the same, I would still like to photograph that location, I like the anticipation and preparation, I want to know what it feels like, the heat, the light, the challenges and when I am finished I have the memory. I can appreciate a well crafted photograph without visiting a location but only after I have taken a photograph at a location can I truely appreciate the photographers eye for detail.

So why go out to Peggy's, I don't have a definitive answer but when I got to Peggy's at  5am this morning I was the sole person there until 7.30am, I sipped coffee while sitting on the rocks watching the choppy surf, it's a privilege that I appreciate and when I don't see the beauty anymore I will stop going, until then I hope to go many more times.
