Saturday, January 8, 2011

Trip to Miramishi

Just come back from four days in Miramishi.  It was cold, 30cm of snow fell the day before we arrived and it blanketed the area.  Snow is an interesting to photograph, an extensive blanket of white tends to fool the camera's built in metering system as the snow acts as an extra light source.  Photos tend to overexpose as a result.  The rule of thumb is to dial down the EV by -1.  

The Miramichi is a beautiful and I would have liked to spend a little more time getting around.  I ended up taking photographs at three locations - only one during the golden hour, maybe next time.

Boat alongside the Miramichi.  This is a full sized fishing boat although it is hard to tell without something to compare it with.
Miramichi River, Rod Miramichi Resort with the Centennial Bridge in the background

Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel.  Photo was shot at 12pm.  I converted the photograph to an infrared and then combined it with the original pic.  The light behind the church is the sun starting to peek out.

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